Friday, January 28, 2011

I sit here typing my thoughts....
Reading my thoughts
Listening silently....
It's so nice to hear silence....
It's comforting,
It's peaceful,
There's a calmness, surrounding me....
I feel content,
I feel at peace....
This is the way life should be...
Why do we let those people in....
To cloud us with there unhappiness,
There pain, anger, problems 
They endure within....
Why do we let them in......
You give them your love, your heart, your kindness....
To let them feel again....
For them to take it all away again,
that goodness you have within.
Why do that,
To yourself.....
Why let them take it all from us,
For it to start the rain again,
& cloud us with there pain....
We are stronger then that,
We are better then that,
We know better then that,
So why do we let them in.......

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